Biden’s Claims ‘It’s a Fact’ Americans are ‘Better off Financially’- Sparks Controversy Amid Economic Realities

By: Georgia | Last updated: Oct 25, 2023

President Joe Biden recently commented on the financial state of the United States during his term, stating that Americans are now in a better financial position than before he took office. 

This claim has prompted many to examine the economic indicators closely to understand the nuances and veracity of his assertion.

Biden's Economic Perspective

In response to a query about the economy’s perception, President Biden expressed his faith in the discernment of the American public.


Source: Getty Images

He remarked, “I think that the American people are smart as hell in knowing what their interests are.” He went on to say that they are better off financially now than they were previously.


Unemployment Statistics during Biden’s Term

One of the primary data points presented is the unemployment rate. During Biden’s presidency, the average unemployment rate is 4.2%. 


Source: Ernie Journeys/Unsplash

In comparison, during President Trump’s time, it averaged at 5%. The implication here is an improved employment situation under Biden’s leadership.

Unemployment Pre and Post-Pandemic

It’s essential to consider the extraordinary circumstances the pandemic presented. Before the pandemic, under President Trump, the average unemployment rate was 3.9%. 


Source: Kate Trifo/Unsplash

Meanwhile, in the post-pandemic period under Biden, it stands slightly better at 3.7%.

The Role of Inflation in Economic Analysis

Inflation, a critical economic indicator, presents a contrasting story. The annual consumer price index increase under Trump was 1.9%.


Source: Frederick Warren/Unsplash

However, during Biden’s term, it shot up to 6%. This rapid rise in inflation raises questions about the overall financial health of the country.

Inflation Excluding Pandemic Impact

To get a clearer picture, if we remove the impact of the pandemic, the inflation average under Trump rises slightly to 2.1%. 

Source: Getty Images

Meanwhile, for Biden, in the post-pandemic period, the rate is at 3.6%.


Introducing the Misery Index

The misery index, which is a combination of inflation and unemployment figures, gives a more comprehensive view of the economic situation. 

Source: Getty Images

Under President Trump, this index averaged 6.9, but it increased to 10.2 during Biden’s presidency.


A Post-Pandemic Evaluation Using the Misery Index

Focusing on the post-pandemic period exclusively, the misery index averages 7.2 for Biden and remains at 6.9 for Trump. 

Source: Getty Images

This specific data subset illustrates a marginal increase in combined unemployment and inflation under Biden, contributing additional insights to the ongoing evaluation of the president’s claim regarding Americans’ improved financial status.


Evaluating Real Incomes and Wages

Real disposable income, after accounting for inflation and taxes, saw a decline during Biden’s term. Conversely, it had been on the rise throughout Trump’s presidency. Similarly, average hourly wages rose 12.75% under Biden, compared to 8% under Trump.

However, considering inflation’s impact, real wage gains were negatively affected by 2.25% during Biden’s term.

Source: Getty Images

However, considering inflation’s impact, real wage gains were negatively affected by 2.25% during Biden’s term.


Public Sentiments on Economic Conditions

It’s crucial to gauge public sentiment to understand the perceived economic situation. Polls suggest a discrepancy between Biden’s claims and the public’s perception. 

Source: Alexander Grey/Unsplash

A significant portion of Americans, as per the data, feel they are not better off financially under Biden.


Insights from Specific Poll Data

Specifically, an ABC News/Washington Post poll highlighted that 4 out of 10 Americans feel their financial situation has worsened under Biden. 

Source: Getty Images

This sentiment marks the highest dissatisfaction in 37 years. Furthermore, Gallup polls show that 80% of Americans view the economy negatively during Biden’s term, compared to 72% during Trump’s tenure amid the pandemic.


Overall Economic Confidence Under Biden vs. Trump

When evaluating economic confidence during comparable periods of their presidencies, data indicates a notable shift. 

Source: Getty Images

Gallup’s findings reveal a significant 79-point decline in economic confidence during Biden’s term compared to the end of Trump’s presidency.
