El Paso Border Crisis: Texas National Guard Blocks Migrant Entrance Attempt

By: Alec Donaldson | Last updated: Oct 25, 2023

In a recent developing event in El Paso, Texas, a substantial group of Venezuelan migrants, numbering approximately 200 individuals, sought to turn themselves into U.S. authorities. Regrettably, their intentions were met with opposition from the Texas National Guard, resulting in a tense situation along the southern border.

Traversing The Rio Grande

At around 3 p.m., an estimated 200 Venezuelan migrants, comprising both families and single adults, opted to traverse the Rio Grande from Juarez, Mexico. Their choice seemed to be influenced by rumors suggesting that U.S. authorities were permitting asylum seekers to enter at designated points of entry.


Source: John Moore/Getty Images


Opinions On Asylum

Recent developments included the implementation of a policy by the Biden administration in May, known as the “Circumvention of Lawful Pathways.” This policy imposed barriers on those seeking asylum, denying entry to individuals who had entered the U.S. between designated ports or bypassed applying for protection in transit countries.


Source: Win McNamee/Getty Images

An Anxiety-Inducing Process

Amid the gathering was Carly, a Venezuelan woman who articulated the shared frustration. She had endured a two-month wait for an appointment at a legal entry point in Juarez, and the inefficiencies of the CBP One online application system only furthered her increasing desperation and impatience with the painstaking process.

With a blend of anticipation and anxiety, Carly conveyed, “I heard they keep you in detention for 15 to 20 days, they investigate you, and then release you.”


Source: John Moore/Getty Images

Gate 28

Carly’s statement conveyed a glimmer of optimism, suggesting that there was a potential resolution after their challenging journey.

It was apparent that numerous migrants were following explicit guidance as they directed themselves toward Gate 28 along the border wall, precisely aligned with Juarez’s renowned Big Red X sculpture. This methodical approach indicated that reliable sources had directed them to this specific entry point.


Source: John Moore/Getty Images

The Texas National Guard Won't Budge

As they drew nearer, the migrants encountered an unwavering denial from the Texas National Guard. Positioned behind fortified razor wire barriers, the guards firmly communicated a resolute directive against entry.

Nevertheless, in the face of this rejection, a few optimistic individuals persevered on the American side of the Rio Grande. As day transitioned into night, they clutched onto hope.

Source: John Moore/Getty Images


Reluctantly Withdrew

With the break of dawn, the area around the Rio Grande presented a deserted scene, starkly contrasting the bustling activity of the previous day. Eyewitness accounts confirmed that the majority of Venezuelan migrants had reluctantly withdrawn and returned to their temporary refuge in Juarez.

Source: Joe Raedle/Getty Images


Migrants Persevere

Despite facing challenges, a Juarez-based news outlet released a video showcasing the unwavering determination of a small group of migrants. These individuals exhibited their unwavering resolve by lifting the barbed wire barriers and pressing forward, determined to find Border Patrol officers to whom they could voluntarily surrender.

Source: John Moore/Getty Images


Increasing Security

In response to the growing surge in illegal border crossings, Operation Lone Star has set up a strategic encampment in close proximity to the El Paso border wall. This operation signifies a robust endeavor launched since the preceding year, with the primary objective of resolutely deterring unauthorized entries into the United States.

Source: John Moore/Getty Images


Recent Border Patrol Statistics Show A Reduction

Newly published Border Patrol statistics highlight a significant reduction in daily migrant encounters in the El Paso sector. These numbers have dwindled from a high of 2,700 daily apprehensions during the first quarter of the 2023 fiscal year to an average of 800 encounters per day at present.

Source: Joe Raedle/Getty Images


El Paso Is Still The Epicenter

Notwithstanding this recent decline, El Paso continues to be a significant epicenter for migrant encounters within the United States. In the last 10 months, the city has recorded an impressive total of 364,092 encounters, firmly cementing its position as a frontrunner among U.S. cities in terms of migrant interactions during this timeframe.

Source: John Moore/Getty Images
