Migrant Crossings Increase to All-Time Highs Under Biden’s Migration Strategy

By: Georgia | Last updated: Oct 15, 2023

A recent report reveals a significant increase in the number of illegal aliens entering the U.S. during the Biden administration. 

The House Judiciary Committee released data showing that this population now exceeds that of 22 U.S. states and the District of Columbia.

A Statistical Insight

Data indicates that over 3.8 million illegal aliens have entered the U.S. or been released into the country since President Biden took office. This information was disclosed by the House Judiciary Committee and is making headlines due to its implications.


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The number is substantial, prompting a closer examination of the circumstances and policies surrounding this influx and its potential impacts on the country.


Data Disclosure

Chairman Jim Jordan and Rep. Tom McClintock of the Judiciary’s immigration subcommittee released nonpublic data, painting a detailed picture of the situation. 


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According to their findings, the Biden administration has failed to remove over 99% of those illegal aliens who have been released into the country since Biden assumed office. This information comes directly from official records and is crucial in understanding the scale of the issue.

The ‘Gotaways’

The report notes an additional 1.7 million “known ‘gotaways’” that successfully evaded Border Patrol. This has contributed to the rise in the number of illegal aliens in the U.S. 


Source: Getty Images

The term ‘gotaways’ refers to individuals who were detected but not apprehended. They have now entered the United States, augmenting the total estimated number to 3.8 million.

Population Comparison

To put the figures in perspective, the 3.8 million illegal aliens outnumber the populations of 22 states and the District of Columbia. 


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States like Connecticut, Utah, and Iowa have fewer residents than the total number of illegal entries and releases. The comparison serves to illustrate the sheer scale of the influx, offering a tangible perspective on the numbers involved.

Record Border Crossings

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reported a record number of encounters with illegal aliens at the borders in August.

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Over 304,162 individuals were apprehended, marking the highest figure recorded in a single month. The previous record, set in December 2022, was surpassed by nearly 2,000, indicating an upward trend in the number of illegal crossings.


Wall Construction Resumes

In a significant development, the Biden administration has decided to resume the construction of a border wall in South Texas. 

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This move has been supported by individuals from both political spectrums. The resumption marks a change in the administration’s approach, highlighting the evolving nature of the strategies employed to address the complex issue of border security.


Bipartisan Support

Though President Biden maintains his stance on the ineffectiveness of walls in border security, there is bipartisan support for the resumption of wall construction. 

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Representative Colin Allred expressed his backing for the move, underscoring the necessity to address the ongoing surge of migrants. The response illustrates a scenario where diverse political voices converge on a shared concern.


Venezuelan Deportations

Adding another layer to the situation, the Biden administration initiated the deportation of illegal border crossers from Venezuela. In August alone, over 37,000 Venezuelans were encountered at the U.S. borders. 

Source: Getty Images

This action underscores the administration’s commitment to enforcing immigration laws and protocols, even amidst an environment marked by record numbers of illegal border crossings.


Administration's Commitment

President Biden has reiterated his administration’s position, emphasizing the legal obligation to utilize appropriated funds for their intended purposes, including border wall construction. 

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Despite opposing views, legal frameworks guide the administration’s actions. This adherence to law plays a pivotal role in the decision-making processes surrounding border security and immigration.


Scale of Immigration

The continual increase in illegal border crossings and the release of illegal aliens into the U.S. demonstrates the significant scale of immigration. 

Source: Getty Images

With over 7 million illegal aliens encountered since the beginning of the Biden administration, the issue remains a prominent aspect of national discussion. Each development and piece of data contributes to the ongoing narrative surrounding this topic.


Summing Up the Findings

To sum up, the data from the House Judiciary Committee sheds light on the significant numbers of illegal aliens entering the U.S. since the start of the Biden administration. 

Source: Getty Images

These findings provide valuable insights into the challenges and complexities of managing immigration issues in the country.
