Putin’s Heart Attack Raises Alarm Regarding Kremlin Leadership

By: Georgia | Last updated: Oct 31, 2023

Vladimir Putin, Russia’s long standing leader, is reported to have experienced a “cardiac arrest” in his private Moscow residence this past Sunday evening. 

This information was relayed through a Telegram channel, believed to be operated by an individual formerly associated with the Kremlin.

Putin Found by Guards in a Concerning State

Upon hearing unusual noises from Putin’s bedroom, security personnel entered to find him lying on the floor, seemingly in distress. 


Source: Getty Images

The room presented a scene with an overturned table, scattered with food and drinks, adding to the urgency of the situation.


Medical Professionals Rush to Putin's Aid

Once the situation was discovered, medical professionals were immediately summoned to the scene. 


Source: SLON V KASHE/Unsplash

After their prompt examination, they diagnosed the 71-year-old leader with having suffered a “cardiac arrest.” The gravity of the situation was clear.

Specialized Medical Care

To provide the necessary medical care, Putin was promptly moved to a special medical facility located within his apartment. 


Source: Getty Images

This specialized unit was equipped to offer the intensive care required for his condition.

Past Rumors Regarding Putin's Health Resurface

This sudden health incident brings to light previous speculations and murmurs concerning Putin’s overall health. 


Source: Getty Images

There have been long standing rumors suggesting that Putin might have a concealed medical condition, adding context to this recent incident.

Detailed Account of the Distressing Scene

Two of the security officers, who were first on the scene, provided a detailed account of their discovery. 

Source: Getty Images

They described entering the bedroom to find Putin lying beside his bed, visibly in distress, amid the disarray caused by the overturned table.


Putin's Inner Circle Reacts

This reported cardiac event, which is awaiting independent verification, has understandably caused considerable concern among Putin’s close associates and advisors. 

Source: Getty Images

The ramifications of such an incident, if confirmed, are significant for the Kremlin’s operations.


The Body Double Theory

The Telegram channel known as General SVR has often put forth the intriguing proposition that President Putin doesn’t always appear in person for all his public commitments.

Source: Getty Images

Instead, for a myriad of possible reasons – be it security concerns, health issues, or strategic decisions – he purportedly makes use of body doubles to represent him at certain high-profile events, both within Russia and during his official foreign visits.


Questions Raised Over Putin's Visit to China

Further claims from the same source suggest that during a recent trip to China, a lookalike stood in for Putin during a meeting with Chinese leader, Xi Jinping. 

Source: Getty Images

This fuels the ongoing speculations around Putin’s public appearances.


Anomalies in the Appearance of the Alleged Double

The Telegram channel pointed out specific differences in the alleged body double, particularly concerning the cheekbones. 

Source: Getty Images

According to the source, post-surgical procedures were undertaken to make the double’s cheekbones resemble Putin’s, but they didn’t seem to maintain a consistent appearance.


Analyzing The Double Theory

Recent advancements, including Japanese AI analysis, coupled with various media reports, have delved into the theory of Putin using body doubles for public appearances. 

Source: Getty Images

These analyses attempt to discern the validity of such claims based on available public footage.


The Search for Verifiable Information

With all the claims, speculations, and reports emerging, there is a heightened interest in obtaining verifiable information regarding both Putin’s health incident and the body double theories. 

Source: Getty Images

As the world watches closely, clarity is awaited from official sources in Moscow.
