Spinning UFO In Pentagon Footage Remains An Unsolved Mystery

By: Alec Donaldson | Last updated: Oct 08, 2023

NASA aims to shift discussions regarding unidentified anomalous phenomena away from sensationalism and towards a more scientific approach.

Science Can Provide Explanations

The agency believes that science can provide explanations for the possible existence of extraterrestrials or “aliens.” The report mentions various aerial phenomena, including the sighting of the GoFast UFO.


Source: Joe Raedle/Getty Images


X (formerly Twitter) users are eager to learn more about the GoFast UFO, as NASA’s report delves into the aerial event that reportedly occurred in 2015.


Source: aaro.mil

The Released Footage

The Pentagon released footage from 2004 and 2015, captured by fighter jet pilots, in an effort to clarify any misconceptions regarding the authenticity of the circulating videos and to address the content within them.


Source: aaro.mil

The Videos Don't Reveal Any "Sensitive Capabilities Or Systems"

The Department of Defense statement elaborates, “After a thorough review, the department has determined that the authorized release of these unclassified videos does not reveal any sensitive capabilities or systems, and does not impinge on any subsequent investigations of military air space incursions by unidentified aerial phenomena.”


Source: Mark Wilson/Getty Images

"Unidentified" Videos

The Pentagon has confirmed that the videos, which were previously unofficially released, remain labeled as “unidentified.”

Source: Alex Wong/Getty Images


Rapidly Moving Objects

The officially released video of the GoFast UFO by the Pentagon displays rapidly moving objects in the sky. The pilot recorded one of them as it spun mid-air.

Source: P. Wallick/Classicstock/Getty Images


"It's Rotating!"

The individual recording the video exclaims: “Look at that thing, dude! It’s rotating!” as a disc-shaped object, black in color, glides across the sky.

Source: Bettmann/ Contributor


Alleged UFO's Maneuvers

In a matter of seconds, the alleged UFO in the footage performs a 180-degree turn and completes a full circle while in motion.

Source: abc7.com


No Confirmation That Aliens Exist

NASA’s latest report does not confirm the existence of aliens, as it emphasizes the absence of scientific evidence supporting the extraterrestrial origin of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs).

Source: Bettmann/ Contributor


Advanced Scientific Approach

However, NASA is actively pursuing an advanced scientific approach to analyze reports and sightings related to extraterrestrials, without entirely dismissing the possibilities.

Source: seattlepi.com


Report Strange Sightings

Bill Nelson, NASA’s administrator, reaffirms the agency’s commitment to “transparently” investigate such matters and encourages the public to keep reporting any strange sightings.
